Friday, March 30, 2007

Guardian Unlimited: Arts blog - TV & radio: South Park 'kills the Queen'

Proof that people need to get out more, when we the popular press (or at least some sections of it) gets upset by this....Guardian Unlimited: Arts blog - TV & radio: South Park 'kills the Queen'

Yeah, the blogs not dead - - it just smells that way.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Comic Book Periodic Table of the Elements

So busy, that I have barely enough time to shit, but heres some geekish tomfoolery The Comic Book Periodic Table of the Elements.

I had some pints today, with my new work colleagues. In an English pub like establishment. This makes me happy.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Me and the boy took a spin around the Science Fiction Convention the other day. Most excellent, a rather polite member of the Nordic Garrison, 501st Legion (Vaders Fist) held the door open for us (a regular storm trooper, though -aside from Lord Vader himself - there was a couple of biker scouts, sand troopers and snow troopers). Incidently, check this biker scout out (from Carolina, where clearly the standards for clone's eating habits have lapsed a little, good on you though mate.).

Lance Henrikson, good bloke. Stood with the unwashed to watch a trailer for his latest movie, I was rubbing shoulders with him. I'll never wash my eyes again.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Its that time of year again: means the Malmö Mässan Science Fiction Convention is once again underway. Amongst this years grumpy B list actors ("Malmö, where the fucks that?" "Its somewhere near Austria sir, and it's a contractual obligation") is none other than Lance Henriksen who, if memory serves (and I can't be arsed to open another window) has been slain by both Predator and Alien (or at least dismembered by such). He's also been detonated by the muscles from Brussels. I will go this year I think, and purchase fine geeky things such as comics and videos. I may even purchase a large rubber helmet.

I was at a workshop all day today, about writing content for the web (and if this blog is anything to go by, I certainly needed it. But, then again, I get paid to write at work, here I just write as a cleaner alternative to a dirty protest). It was very good, lots of ideas. Cool.

Reading: Ultimate Spiderman, Ultimate Fantastic 4. And some Ian M. Banks. Again.
Listening: Bad Brains.
Thinking about: The horror. The horror.