Monday, April 23, 2007

Donnie Darko (2001)

Theres only a few films that I cannot watch again, for all the right reasons. Donnie Darko (2001) is among their number, as is Brazil, K-Pax, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest and possibly the Seventh Seal (which my father suggested I watch as a 15 year old, I mark that evening as the official end of my childhood). These films are obviously not bad, its just that - for example with Donnie Darko, K-Pax or OFOTCN I cannot get through them without blubbing horribly and having to spend the next day basically moping (as they like to say on the continant). The last few minutes of Donnie Darko will stick with me forever and I don't really want to go back to them again. Yes, the film would be just as affecting but I don't want to spoil that connection that the combination of acting, direction and writing managed to make on that perfect evening when I watched it. You don't have to me much of an armchair pyschologist to spot the obvious themes running through these movies. However, I have no desire to see, for example, Water World, The Postman or Dances with Wolves again simply because they all have Kevin Kostner in them.

Speaking of Indians and stuff, I find it a bit wierd that E came home from daycare the other day brandishing the bow he'd made as part of the Red Indian theme they had had that day. Sure daycare is important for equiping him with social skills and such, but do they really have to arm him as well? Next he'll be stripping AK-47s blindfolded.

About to Listen to: Steaming Wolf Penis.

And finally, Swedish authorities objected to a couple (in Sweden) trying to call their baby Metallica. Which is a shame. I mean, c'mon, they could have been trying for Lawn Mower Death or King Crimson.

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