Monday, August 27, 2007

When a day you know is Monday starts off sounding like a Thursday afternoon then you know, somewhere, something has gone horribly wrong. Apologies to Mr Wyndham (or was it Doctor, probably, and in the medical sense I expect).
My good friend J wondered what had happened to the blog (I'm guessing the general lack of activity and, perhaps, the rather distressingly bland template)so I felt moved to add something...
An update - I'm currently working my arse off in the run up to working half time or so. Which, in effect, will probably mean I end of working some very very long days. The good news is that the website launch is going pretty well, it will be vanilla rather than chunky monkey, but tasty nonetheless.

Reading: Just actually finished 'Black Man' by the god of the sci fi action thriller that is Richard Morgan. Brilliant. Just decided to bin reading Romanitas (which, thinking about it, sounds like a medical condition) by Sophia Mcdougall which is pants, though a good idea (roman empire never collapsed and now, in the present day, occupies most of the planet). Finished Transcendent by Stephen Baxter, okay I suppose -whats next I wonder, Effervescent?

Playing: Oblivion, which is so fucking huge its just ridiculous and FEAR, which is actually way to scary. What a sad sack I am.

Moving: Well, I started packing carefully. Selecting items which should be sent to the dump, or stuff which it would be handy to have on the first few days of the move, and then carefully labelling boxes. After about five minutes of that I had resorted to tipping the same draw fulls of crap I've been moving around now for the last 10 years into boxes, once again, without sorting them. I'm sure I'm still carrying around front door keys for the first student house I lived in.

Annoyed: The pain in my shoulder which has come back to say hello, just as my pull up regime was hitting its stride. This was caused by a cheeky undercling on a gnarly 5b (english) problem.

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