Saturday, October 01, 2005

I woke sweating.....the dreams I've been having recently are very disturbing, Condoleeza riding naked on a killer dolphin loaded with attack darts on a dying see, its not all insanity either, part of Bush's new 'War Against Weather' has already began (don't believe the hype of telling the Americans to save fuel - the message is clear, bring on the monster trucks.....) with the 'accidental' release of killer attack dolphins reported in the aftermath of Katrina. They been trained to hunt down 'weather' (or as Bush said 'them folks in the sky that make it rain') and kill it without mercy........

if you think this is pure dolphins

The other piece which caught my eye this morning was William Bennett, friend to the American Neo-Nazi saying that 'if you want to reduce crime.....abort every black baby'. But its okay, because he went on to say ' impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down'. Official sources report the Whore Beast as saying "the president believes the comments were not appropriate". Check the wording here..."believes", which suggests he was not exactly sure, probably trying to figure out how that worked with his pro-values. Read the full manifesto of Willy 'Baby Killer' Bennett here.

And Iraq drags on, with the lovely Condoleezzla shrieking out about not ceding the country to Barbaric Killers.......yeah, winning hearts and minds....You can win them to, just find a queue in down town Baghdad and wait for them to come tumbling from the sky. For fucks sake, have we got such short memories......., a war based on lies (now wait, don't start nitpicking - it was lies, there were no WMDs (oh except for the sarin which Saddam got from Ronnie (the senile monkey fucker) but by the time we invaded he'd long since used it on the Kurds) and the fuckers who started it grinning like fucking apes as the bodies mount up.

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