Monday, September 27, 2004

The dark rolled in off the sea and crashed onto the glass sand of the beach in a silent wave of static. In the purple sky a lone paper bag blew on the mauve thermals, a sad song playing in the background. The hills on either side of the bay were dark and thoughtful, brown flecks of grazing perms moving slowly on their tight flanks. Far out, past the line of singing fish, just on the straight line of the horizon sat a group of fishing boats. The water slapped their cork sides as they wallowed in the warmth, the ruddy bearded children who worked the nets persuading the fish, politely, to step inside.

book: Finished the Iron Council by China Mieville, definitely his best. Clearly he's been reading his Gormenghast again. Also read 'I don't know how she does it', which was cool. Reading Dr. Miriam Stoppards book on raising children, so now becoming expert on breast pumps, the billion or so illnesses children can get and sleeping patterns.
film: Saw Crimson Tide all the way to the end, finally, and was rather disappointed. Like Logans Run (though clearly not in the same class) a film which benefits by stopping watching five minutes before the end. Soon to go and see Wimbledon (gak, gak.....vomit), Bourne Supremacy.
music: Lauryn Hill
weather: nice, sunny

very good, if you are in any way a Tim Burton fan this will be most appreciated.....AtomFilms - Robot Boy

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