First things first, if you go over to http://www.seathingcity.blogspot.com/ you'll find Shunt - a rather unpleasant, poorly edited short story which I put together on the commute to work. If you enjoy it, or at least could think of worst ways to have spent the 20 minutes or so that you used reading it then so much the better. I enjoyed writing it, which is the main thing I guess.
Some statistics from my life:
Nappies changed: approx 900, which is an average of around 2 a day - the daily average is higher now, but I was working more before E stopped breast feeding.
Times I have sung: 'Go to sleep little baby': approx 1080 times 'Man of constant sorrow': approx 700 times. 'Whisky in the jar': approx 500 times 'Copperhead road':approx 500 times. These are usually sung in the day, frequently in a medley. E, wisely, nods straight off to sleep in the evening and thus is spared further renditions.
Full nights uninterrupted sleep I have had in the past 11 or so months: approx 25 (almost all from trips). This is out of a potential of 360, considering this - and the amount of people who have young kids at any one time - its amazing there aren't more incidents of sleep deprived parents going postal.
Speaking of nappies I notice that Madonna said that her husband dosn't change nappies because he is a 'man's man', what exactly is it about changing a nappie which is unmanly? All the men I know, including myself, seem to spend a far greater time talking about poo than women.
To finish. I finally got my hands on the last book of the 'Bone' series by Jeff Smith. Its up there with Preacher as my favourite comic book- read it, its a bloody excellent story. (hence the image at the top). Currently wading my through Stephen Baxters 'coaltruck' or whatever the hell its called. Soon to start A Reynolds new one. Also finish Alita: Battle Angel.
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