Monday, January 08, 2007

oofff. 0400 start this morning, as the shift moved to the morning slot...only slightly nasty, and not nearly as nasty as the nightshift. I actually felt almost excited as I drove to work, but this is probably more to do with relief at not being unemployed any more rather than any sense of fulfillment in shifting truck loads of glass around. Incidently, in Swedish glass - as in the clear substance one drinks from or looks through is spelt 'glas'. The soft cold food product that we call ice cream is spelt 'glass'. The two words are pronounced differently, as you might expect, but its quite subtle (long vowel sound in 'glas', if you must know). Thus, with my mangled swedish I have said to more than a few people than I work in an ice cream factory. Which specialises in ice cream for volvo and saab. As they are usually polite swedes they just nod and then slowly back away.

Reading: Everest Boys....still excellent.
Excited about: Job interview next week.

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