Sunday, May 20, 2007

The instrument panel for my blog has turned, annoyingly, over to using Swedish rather than Her Majesties English, which is fucking useful, isn't it. It was the same with my iPod, simply because the pc is running in Swedish it assumes that it should run in Swedish too...anyway, back to work tommorrow after two days of holiday grafted onto a weekend. Thursday was whitsun, you see, which made friday a 'clämdag'(i.e. a day falling between a public holiday and a weekend)and thus it became a holiday too.

I would blog more but a nice cup of tea calls.

Todays amusing link: Rate your students

Incident of the day: Upending a load of porridge powder on the floor. E immediately grabbed handfulls of it and proceeding to stuff them in his mouth, where the powder became a strange dough like substance which stuck to his face and mouth like glue. Lovely.

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