Thursday, August 19, 2004

so my little darling blog, all dusty and moth eaten....nerry a word of wisdom spoken nor anything insensible said, not that there was never anything much of that but nothing, well, thats just indefensible. So the story is that I'm working like hell at the minute which is nice, for the hourly rate I currently get is somewhere between miserly and mean (though the word on the street is that a rise comes soon, very nice but lets wait until we're spending it before we crack the champagne and dance the light fantastic) and more hours means more play tokens. But the downside is that the blog suffers thus, until the dust has settled, I intend to take a short break rather than demoralise you with empty and unchanged pages. This is a declaration, if you will, of a short period of silence to follow which will last until I return, Gods willing, from Finland which will be in a weeks time - thus waitress service will return on the 1st of september...yes I may find time for the occaisonal snippet and if the above is a rule then rules are made to be broken but at least I have not the guilt of considering you sleeplessly waiting for a fresh update on my continuing campaign against the dark overlords of chaos and the harbingers of insect doom that they verily ride. You have been warned, I repeat full uncensored service will return on the 1st of september until then it will be light showers and occaisonal sea frets.

love a duck? I'd rather not thanks.

following on from the 'the chap', heres some find apparel to gad about in...Classic Tweed Trousers and Breeches from Scotch Corner

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