Tuesday, December 21, 2004

its early, a night of broken sleep and strange dreams (Mr Sandman is depositing his load nightly now, rather than a sprinkel, I wake up with a bed full of gravel, or night soil as its known). Last day at work before the Christmas break which means, yet again, silence here as we run for the North and disappear until new year - alone, in the summer house with only thick fantasy novels and the playstation for company - and the laptop, aiming to write a short story by the end of the holiday, something inspired either by Erikson (expect lots of loving descriptions of 'blood spattered armour') or crap detective thriller (expect noirish 'the rain ran down the window as he looked out onto the dark, lonely streets').

things making life easier: the video shop has installed key pads to enter your personal number so I don't have to struggle with '7' anymore, with occurs in my personal number no less than 3 times and, with my accent, can sometimes give people the mistaken impression I was born in 1921. In explanation, (for those of you who don't live in Big Brother countries (in the Orwellian rather than the furtive sex under duvets on prime time sense)) the first six digits of your number are simply your birthday, the last four the unique part.
music: none, way to early
weather: its dark, 4 degrees
film: Shaun of the Dead. Bloody excellent. I waited long enough to see this, but in my defence I don't think it got released in Sweden for much more than 10 minutes. The last zombie movie I saw was 28 Days Later (thats the title, not some strange temporal comment) which scared the hell of me, the last comedy I saw was well, I'd love to say Dodge Ball or something else which shows I'm up with the Zeitgeist but I have not seen a new comedy for ages. Anyhoo, Shaun of the Dead was very very funny and K, who has not seen any Zombie movies, thought it was excellent. I guess a good chunk of the humour comes from an appreciation of 'spaced' but also the fact that this was set in the UK - Crouch end rather than LA, thank you! It was scary in places too. Factoid, Simon Pegg will play a Zombie in Romeros new movie, Film Threat - Reviews, will apparently features humans holed up in a walled city protecting themselves against the dead (so we've had Shopping Malls, Pubs, Mansions, Farm Houses and now walled cities - whats left, entire planets? hmmmmm). Finally, this would be a really good time to revisit Bad Taste by Peter 'Look at my Ring' Jackson and see if its still funny, given that the last time I saw it was over 12 years ago. Last factoid, the new movie from Pegg and Wright will be called 'Hot Fuzz', I kid you not.

looks pretty cool, probably a lot better than the spotty wizard and a good hold over until His Dark Materials turns up....inspired me to go and read the books as well.....Film Threat - Reviews

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