Sunday, December 12, 2004

Its Skåne, its december and as a result its cold and overcast. After 5 weeks of hospital, then a further two of NeoNatal we have been firmly at home - as nuclear family (whatever the hell that is) for the last few week or so. I return to work tommorow, not something which totally fills me with joy - given the extreme cosy factor I've been enjoying but still, we can't live on air.

As a result of the broken sleep my mind is feeling rather cabbaged and I wander around being a little 'punchy' (as in punch drunk rather than violent). My various projects continue at different states of activity, the quest to build my own PC continues with a loose idea of specifications and the spring campaign of bouldering is being gradually built up to by feet off training on the fingerboard. The sit up regime begins again on monday (which, in the words of Mr T in rocky II will lead only to 'Pain') and my copious mental and scribbled notes for a novel will begin to take some concrete form. Speaking of books I see that Pullman has written two new kids stories, should be worth checking out (you can probably visit his site I noticed, on the bbc site, that they are removing direct references to god from the forthcoming film, as there was a concern it would offend. The film makers actually stated that this was a result of stronger, more religious beliefs in the US .....God botherers.

weather: overcast and 5 degrees
music: none
book: Deadhouse Gates: A Malazan Tale of the Fallen (again!)
Thought: Just counting for Elias, we will use approximately 10 000 nappies in the next 3 years - if we have another child soon this figure will, of course, double. Nice to know that we are creating a rich vein of shit for some future civillisation of scatophillics to mine.

always worth a look....NASA - Home

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