Wednesday, December 22, 2004

pork chops, brie and cashew nuts are all food stuffs which have a slightly sinister aspect to them. Mince (lamb or beef), cheddar, and grapes are all foods which seem quite jolly. Kiwi fruit, lockets (cough sweets with a foul vomit inducing centre), and meringue are all clearly quite mad.

interesting. We're preparing for the exodus to the summer house so unless I can hijack a wireless network there will be no blogging for the Jule period. Peace on Earth, seasons greeting etc etc.

recently watched movie: I indulged myself yesterday and bought two DVDs from the super low price display at Hemköp, Highlander and the Big Blue. Highlander, top movie, but its suddenly looking old - also, Christophe Lambert is difficult to take seriously any more. The last movie I saw with him was Druids, where he played (I think) Vercingetorix. Actually not true, I saw him in something more appalling but my brain has excised all recollection of the movies name. It involved jungles, and monkeys (and it was not greystoke).
weather: fucking cold, theres a storm coming.
music: radio 4
book: still slaughtering my way across Genebackis with the Malazan empire.
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