Friday, August 19, 2005

Finally I find something to believe in....Flying Spagehetti Monster....which puts me in mind of the ancient cult of 'Tentacles on the Head' - for those of you ill enough to have known me for that long.

The above post also makes me struggle with the oft said concept that Americans lack Irony or Sarcasm (lesser gods of the outer circle). Speaking of which-and this is more a note to self-I will be ranting about the American in the Coffee Shop (a close encounter of the the mad scary kind which me and mate R had a few days ago), as well as the larger subject of 'why do Americans seem to hate Sweden so much', which will lead nicely onto the tale (hem hem) of the smuggled, dead, chihuahuas which turned up in Sweden recently and whose demise can be laid directly at the door of one P. Hilton, for starting a craze which lots of brain dead swedish girls are imitating. I presume these dogs have more than a few days life span and I guess it will soon occur to their owners that they are somewhat harder to look after than a tamigotchi. I forsee small shivering chihuahuas being cast onto the side of motorways, or worse, stuffed down toilets. Soon our streets will not be safe as packs of feral chihuahuas, the moonlight glinting off their tarnished rhinestone encrusted collars, hunt unwary children and midgets.

Have a lovely weekend.

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