Friday, August 12, 2005

The vacation is nearly at an end, and signals the return to more blogging. I've been chewing over a number of subjects in my head over the last four weeks, which will no doubt - with bad spelling, expletives and some unusual grammar - appear on the blog in the fullness of time. As a taster I will be considering, in a totally rational and unbiased manner, the beliefs of the Scientologists (because, secretly, we're all waiting for Tom to have a full on break down on screen, spouting off about aliens and L.Ron), the excitement and arse numbing agony of driving 1150 kms in 21 hours (particularly gripping when the ink is still wet on your driving licence), the perils of parent hood, right wing chat rooms masquerading as ex-pat forums (which led me to have a encounter with a Holocaust Revisionist (you know, the people who say the Holocaust did not happen, despite the fact that, erm, there seems to be an awful lot of Jews missing)), movies I should have seen recently (still not heard the lines 'arise, Lord Vader' yet) and the usual random streams of mind farts....

Reasons to be Cheerful, part 1: Great Doddington!: "Two pints, three glasses of wine and overly-garlic'd curry come to the rescue: and the thoughts of the recent failures recede."

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