Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What's fucking annoying is my retard fingers just deleted my last post. Fuck.

Deep breath, take a pill and rewrite...not that it was very much but simply thats it sooooooo annoying. As if I haven't got enough to contend with i.e. bad spelling, reduced sleep and bulging midriff but now my fucking fingers have taken it on themselves to stage some form of junta and do their own thing. Which would be okay if something creative came out of it but all it seems good for is poking myself in the eye and knocking stuff over. More than usual.

Anyway, a mate of mine pointed out Banksy's stuff to me a long time ago (in those halcyon days when we all lived in the same country!) so this is a dam good find, especially when it has some cool phots but also bites such as 'You don't go to a restaurant and order a meal because you want to have a shit.' Banksy - Outdoors...also worth looking at Akayism which has some excellent stuff as well as hailing from Sweden. Which is nice.

Reading: Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds (again), and various comics...most recently Joss Whedons Fray (which is a must for all you Buffy fans), 2000AD and Transmetropolitan.

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