Tuesday, August 15, 2006

First blood to the mountain bike then. A few seconds after the front wheel slipped away from me, after bouncing down onto a very wet and slimey piece of duck boarding, I lay on my back and studied first the sky and then, after the pain signals reached my brain, my elbow; where blood oozed through the layer of mud liberally caked on it. Fortunately all the important stuff seemed to be working so I was able to cycle away under the gloomy trees while the rain continued to do its best to undermine by bike and lightening marched across the sky. Bloody excellent, I love it.

Still no insightful oberservations about life in Sweden other than, erm, its crayfish party time soon which means lots of crayfish and silly hats in the stores. Not so good for pregnant people though (bottom feeders and all that (not pregnant people, the crayfish...that would be one wierd craving, wait a minute, a crayfish craving bottom feeder, stop stop, bed time I think)) so will be missing out this year (its not much fun eating an entire mountain of the red critters by yourself. And on the pregnancy point, the little one has being making concerted efforts to freak me out 'alien' style. Remember the dream sequence in Aliens, where Ripley is the Gateway Station Hospital, and you get the idea.

and with the world still going to hell in a hand basket its good to see that JC decides to manifest himself to man 'going through a nasty divorce WDSU.com - News - Holy Shrimp: Man Sees Jesus In Dinner....so thats all right then. On the subject of 35 000 year old Atlantean warriors channeling themselves through a grunting multimillionaire I was hoping to take a look at ramtha.com to see whats going on and what self help courses I could enlist for but sadly its down.

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