Reading empire magazine always makes me feel that I must watch more movies, I only get to the cinema a few times a month and recently, have barely visited the video store (given that the last time I went I got out 7 movies and returned them the next day its probably a good idea to keep a low profile - me, ripping them, no. Mind you, they probably don't care.). Anyway, the thing which occured to me - when I read an article on 'Snakes On A Plane' and the internet phenomena it created (and was partly created by) is that my experience of the internet is extremely limited (or perhaps conservative is a better word). I don't visit many forums (other than the English expat one, which is better these days but still full of comments which makes me want to scream 'if you don't like it, fuck off back home' as it tends to be full of whining 20 somethings complaining about Swedish people not buying rounds and the lack of off licences, oohh, don't get me started), particularly those like youtube and myspace which tend to be full of such internet related bollocks. I have a very middle class experience of the internet, reading the BBC and guardian sites, before downloading progressive metal tracks from iTunes.
But anyway, heres something from SOAP which made me chuckle.
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