Monday, August 07, 2006

Something which has bothered me for the two years or so that I have lived in Sweden is the weather forecast. Not just for the grimness of the winter reports (i.e. grey, cold and miserable, stay indoors, try to think happy thoughts and stay away from sharp objects) but for the wierd fact that weather, in sweden, does not seem to happen in the morning. By which I mean that the prediction for, tommorow, will only be from 1400 hours onwards. This has led be to believe that the weather in the morning does not actually exist and is, in all probability, a special effect. Or perhaps its that the weatherman can only be bothered to get up and wave seaweed around, rattle pinecones and squeeze his spots after lunch.

Listening to: Managed to have a quick listen to the archers, after missing about 5 weeks of it. Ed's come back and Mikes getting frisky with Clary. Oh, the humanity.
Reading: X-Men, in Swedish.
And in the news today:......New Scientist SPACE - News - Alien 'art' soon to be revealed

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