Friday, December 01, 2006

If this was sunday, I'd have been at work for 36 minutes, and be going home in about 7 hours. In the words of Alec G in 'Bridge over the River Kwai'..."my god, what have I done?". Shift work started last night, I finished this morning at 5, came home slept, woke up, went for a few beers with mate, came home, realised my brain had been replaced with fluff. I don't go back to work until sunday night, but I'm staying up later tonight (and sleeping in tomorrow) to try and train myself to get used to this. Just to recap, heres my working times:

Sunday, start 2000, finish at 0500. Monday - Thursday, start 2200 - finish 0530.

Stay tuned for my slow, and almost certainly amusing, regression into some form of slug like creature.

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