Friday, April 29, 2005

Greetings. The X family is moving this weekend so all is chaos.....entered the new flat today, fresh from signing the loan documents, to fine the previous occupants wall mounted plasma tv and huge (and I mean huge) standing tv still present - what part of 'we own this flat now' do people not understand? But thats sorted and soon, very soon, we will live in one of Malmös cooler areas.....this is what we see from our kitchen window, which is nice. (I don't want to create the false impression we'll actually live in turning torso, only that we can see it - but given that you can see it from Denmark (and quite possibly space) thats not saying much. Our new flat, on the other hand, could become misplaced in a cluttered medium sized handbag or other leather receptacle). And the seas only a few seconds away, which is even nicer. But its also scary, as the old flat has become the place I hide in when arguments with bus drivers, meat balls and strange sign writing becomes all too much.

But the sad news is that there'll be precious little blogging as the impoverished ADSL connection we will get will not be set up for at least 8 days....keep watching this space but there'll be no rants for a little while (incidently, next on the list is Colon Therapy).

Book: Market Forces by Richard Morgan, bloody excellent.

take care y'all - catch you after the movement.

1 comment:

Roberto Iza Valdés said...
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