Saturday, April 02, 2005

The last week has been intense, even the 'red day' of monday was consumed with work - a feverish construction of a database while juggling two or three other projects in the background, I'm not complaining but against the background of selling the flat, and buying a new one, its a little hectic. And squeezing in my shuffles around Malmö.
I sleep very well these days.

Except for the zombie dreams.

The flat looks like something out of house and home at the minute, we've 'styled' it for the viewings which basically means removing everything which personalises the apartment and making it more anonynomous. As we've been having quite a lot of interest it means that we're living very very anally, bowls washed up straight away, books returned to the book shelf and clothes folded and put away. Maybe some people live like this all the time, but god, its hard work. The Swedish system of viewings is very efficient, we're given about a days notice and then have to vacate the premises while the estate agent shows the potentials around, I was tempted to hide under the bed to see what they say but feared I might be discovered. Or worse, they might think I come with the flat.

Books: Calvin and Hobbes, Tears of the Giraffe, Morality for Young Women, The Kalahari Typing School for Men, The Lovely Bones, The Universe Next Door, and the little guide to Sweden I've got (from the Swedish government, because I'm an immigrant).
Notable events: My first Identity card, arrived in the post yesterday. Not only does this represent some kind of infringement of my civil rights (apparently, according to some) but it also means I can finally book my driving test, and pick up parcels at the post office without producing a passport, residence permit, tax details and character witness.
Annoyance: Where the fuck are the 2nd hand games I ordered from Amazon (Myth III and Black & White), they might have only cost a tenner total but I still expect them to get here.

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