Thursday, June 30, 2005

this is not some wierd scat (and if that makes no sense, believe me, you are better off not knowin) reference but instead a tale of internet revenge.........Don Park's Daily Habit - Korean Netizens Attack Dog-Shit-Girl

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Looking forward to this movie - WOTWs was one of the first SF books I ever read (along with Day of the Triffids). Film Threat - Reviews: "Finally, the ending came damn close to ruining the whole thing. I�m not talking about *that* ending, where we learn what happens to the aliens (I�ll give you a hint: these aliens aren�t going to fall for a biplane in the tailpipe). No, I�m talking about the scene where we see what happens to Ray�s family. I won�t spoil it, but I think your viewing experience would definitely be enhanced if you left the theater after the 110-minute mark. Rarely has the term �Hollywood ending� been quite as appropriate, and seldom has a denouement of that nature come so close to tainting all that came before (the post-credits scene from the �Dawn of the Dead� remake comes close). "

The good news is that the Driving Test was a 100% success! After a terrible lesson before it - I exaggerate a little, but my instructor was doing his usual groaning at one point as I weaved around the road - I was feeling incredibly cool and iceman like. The whole test was in Swedish to, so I feel suitably chuffed - particularly as I did not get a single negative point (which is a dam sight better than when I did my MC test in the UK!).

Book: Songs of the Doomed, Hunter S Thompson.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Dunno why the formating gone up the spout....arse
I was reading about the near run thing for whales recently, in that the Japanese narrowly avoided getting sufficient votes at the last big international whale meet (ha ha) to slaughter more of the unfortunate creatures. In the spirit of learning stuff I visited the Japanese whale research stations website to learn more about what they had learnt after many years of 'scientific whaling'. Basically it seems to come down to whales are big fuckers and they eat a lot of fish, thus, we should kill them before we starve. I noticed that they encourage questions so I thought 'why not' and sent the email below.

Dear Scientists,
I am doing some homework on whales and I was wondering if you could answer my question. We all eat fish, we need it to survive - but I see from your website that whales eat fish as well. Can we not just kill all the whales so there is more fish for us? Perhaps we could poison them all, or hit them with sticks? My brother says he saw a whale once, and it smelt funny - what sort of whale was it.
thanks very much for your answer.

Donald Thribb, 11 and a half.

I'am not actually holding much hope out for an answer, but you never know

And the other news is Bingo! Its my driving test tomorrow and work summer party - hopefully in that order.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

sounds like something Tittwhistle would | Research | Ode to fart gets airing at last: "Thanke God quoth Sir Edward Hungerford
That this Fart proved not a Turdd"

Monday, June 20, 2005

Seagulls cries fill the air and the suns last orange rays are reflected against Turning Torso's flanks - I'm horribly aware that these are the longest days and we will soon be moving towards winter with ever increasing momentum. Midsommer - this weekend!

Race Day. What an experience. There was about 3 000 odd people, when you include the relay runners as well and there was a mass convoy of buses to get us all out to the start line, on the Danish side. We piled out of the buss on the articifical island of Pepparholm which was scattered with people pissing everywhere. I got as far up the already crowded slip road as was polite and then could hear, but not see, the elite start. We then shuffled up the slip road waiting for our turn to be herded into the start area. Three groups went ahead of us, and then it was our turn, some 100 or so people standing behind the line. The gun went off and a faint cheer answered it before we plodded off. Before, in races, I've tended to stay with the group and then accelerate towards the end. This time, with my carefully thought out strategy, I just ran like hell from the start. The bridge seemed to go on for ever, and was quite lonely, but once we were in town (about 11 kms later) we were cheered on by the Malmöians - which was nice. In the last 1km K, E and K's parents cheered me on which enabled me to keep my flaggin pace up. So - 1 hr 33mins 58 secs, 109 out of 2533 runners - not bad at all! My legs ache like hell but it was so worth it! The suffering I endured between km's 14 - 18 (and pretty much all the others come to think of it!) has faded now and all I'm thinking about is next year - but maybe with the Stockholm marathon as well!

Off to Båstad for the next few days as the floors being sanded and reoiled where the previous owner's dog's (which was presumably fed a diet of toxic waste, stale beer and quick lime) wee has left strange dark stains on the floor - its being sorted on their dollar, which is cool, but we have to vacate due to the use of dust, solvent and black magic.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The sky is blue, theres a light wind blowing and the butterflies are skipping madly around my tummy. Yes, its race day. The last 12 weeks of training, of pounding up and down the beach, along the rainy streets and maddening repititions of the running track have come to the envitable conclusion. In a few hours time I will be at the start line, the gun will go off and I will run like hell. I've really got no idea what I'm capable of doing, 2 hrs is in the bag but a significantly faster time remains to be seen. I know that I can hold a quick pace for 15K but whether I can hold it after that, and bring in a time worthy of cups of tea and medals is unknown. One thing is a relief, after today I can stop the last three days of stuffing my face with pasta - a nice big bowl of pasta this morning at 0730 (the joys of having a child who does not care that you want to sleep!) was very very unpleasant.

Here goes nothing.

Friday, June 17, 2005

I have not actually seen the Paris Hilton (to paraphrase Southpark 'stupid rich whore') burger king ad but this is, I would imagine, far funnier and probably much hotter.....Accolo

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

My blog seems to have changed from the paragraphs of bollocks to a list of links to madness. Never mind, this probably has something to do with the impending savagery of the half marathon in THREE days time.....I was out for a run yesterday (one of the last before the big day) and was pysching myself up and not being too quiet about it. Must have been rather disturbing for the sun bathing couple I almost stumbled over to hear me mutter, as a I staggered past, 'you have the power...power...strength in your legs, power etc etc'.

Cunning stunt....excellent. Mr and Mrs Wheatley Home Page
I've never been completely convinced by old Darren Brown 'mind control' and my hunch is that this is a fake (i.e blokes mates don't seem to worried, they seem to know where they are going inside the building) but when the hypnotised guy comes to, in the zombie game he was playing in the pub, and starts going postal with the shooter is most disturbing...Wonderland
Lego nudes with assault rifles.......what more can you ask for? Assault Rifle on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Very cool vegetable based parody of Star Wars, fantastic puns....Grocery Store Wars | Join the Organic Rebellion

Monday, June 13, 2005

...and now its time for buffy, catch ya....BBC NEWS | England | Somerset | Dalek 'kidnappers' demand Doctor: "Former Dr Who actor Colin Baker has been in touch with staff at the attraction, and may be asked to send a message to the kidnappers."
I really must go to other places than but when they supply such excellent links as this, why bother? Daily Dancer
aarrgh, woke up with a strange of nausea which was not abated after my morning constitutional....this is not good news for the carbo cramming and final runs (ha ha) in preparation for the half marathon on saturday. I'm trying a diet of pringles and peanut butter sandwiches to kill the symptons, early to bed and all that (makes a man health, wealthy and dead - if I remember correctly).

Book:Woken Furies, by Richard Morgan - not his best but certainly still shit hot. Now reading The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lingren (swedish author of maudlin and usually tragic childrens stories).
I have not followed the links or looked elsewhere to judge the reality of this but, sadly, its probably all authentic.The Downing Street Memo :: What is it?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

You awake, and gradually your vision clears from a smeary blur to clarity. You are lying on your back in a vast room, the ceiling is many 1000s of metres above you - thin clouds move quietly through the air. The vast roof seems to be shiny, oily, metal. Rolling onto your side, against a cold polished metal floor, you see a featureless plain fading off into the distance. Faintly you can see what may be a structure. Light seems to permeate from all sides, though you can see no sun or other source. You are naked, your left leg is missing - ending in clean stump of pink skin a few cms down your thigh. As you move your head feels heavy and unbalanced. Lifting your hands up you find that protuding from your skull is a thick metal rod, about 20 cms long. There is no pain. Lying on the metal next to you is a strange, alien like skull, elongated and disturbing. It is about the size of a melon. You have no memory of who you are, where you are or why you are there.

Will you:

1. Lie on your back, and wait.
2. Examine the skull.
3. Begin crawling to the distant structure.
4. Place the skull on the rod in your head.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

stabilise, more like tranquilise or euthanise.....I Posted by Hello

Theres an excellent resource of these at:  Posted by Hello

This is real, and the text reads 'Tyrant in the house? Thorazine can control the agitated belligerant senile.' Posted by Hello
Take, for example, the 'crazy frog'. Is he really so crazy, sure his small froglike genitals hang out in the breeze (shielded for some reason, on UK TV anyway, by a small black box - but not, I notice on Swedish television) but otherwise, I see no signs of insanity. In fact, his choice of headgear - a rather natty helmet - suggests that he is anything but crazy and in fact quite safety consious. Now, if crazy frog began a dirty protest, and was plunging his boxed over genetalia into a recent road kill then yes, that would be crazy. In case, for some reason, you've managed to successfully hide from Crazy Frog then educate yourself here. And what was it about his little 'protusion' that people (mainly parents apparently) find so offensive, why you don't see parents protesting that George W is scaring their children and keeping them awake at night, and politely asking that he might be taken off air?

Moan: Still have not seen 'revenge of the shit', my starwars buddy is out of the country for another 3 weeks.
Worry:That i cannot find anything deeply moving or spirtual to say about living in a foreign country, fatherhood or the state of the environment.
Moan:That I am already almost halfway through Woken Furies, Richard Morgan's latest, and it will be over soon.
Movies: Pitch Black (again, still good - 7/10) and The Manchurian Candidate - a trying to hard 6/10.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

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amusing fanboy rant about continuity....
Metaphilm - Star Wars: "The fictional universes depicted in movies like the Star Wars or Star Trek series tend to get very complex (for beginners: the former features Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, the latter Captain Kirk, the Enterprise, and a loyal crew made up of people like engineer Scotty; if you get them mixed up, you are worthless). "