Thursday, June 09, 2005

You awake, and gradually your vision clears from a smeary blur to clarity. You are lying on your back in a vast room, the ceiling is many 1000s of metres above you - thin clouds move quietly through the air. The vast roof seems to be shiny, oily, metal. Rolling onto your side, against a cold polished metal floor, you see a featureless plain fading off into the distance. Faintly you can see what may be a structure. Light seems to permeate from all sides, though you can see no sun or other source. You are naked, your left leg is missing - ending in clean stump of pink skin a few cms down your thigh. As you move your head feels heavy and unbalanced. Lifting your hands up you find that protuding from your skull is a thick metal rod, about 20 cms long. There is no pain. Lying on the metal next to you is a strange, alien like skull, elongated and disturbing. It is about the size of a melon. You have no memory of who you are, where you are or why you are there.

Will you:

1. Lie on your back, and wait.
2. Examine the skull.
3. Begin crawling to the distant structure.
4. Place the skull on the rod in your head.

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