Friday, January 28, 2005

Bloody knackered, up early this morning posting to the work website and then into C'hagen for a meeting. I was under the impression we had a drinks party afterwards but was, to my relief, found to be mistaken. Everytime I go drinking in Denmark it ends in disaster, with me getting so drunk I almost shit myself - really. Thus, quite a relief to be going home in the early afternoon feeling quite sober.

Slow as usual but I found out about this cool google search term which is, in effect, a hack into live feed video cams - I did not experiment too much but try inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode=" as a search term and you'll get loads of cameras coming up which can be accessed through the net, I expect by now that most people will have put in a blocker against this....incidently the inurl term allows you to search for a text string in the url's in googles index. hours of geek fun.

Weather: Dark
Bad news: apparently global warming will reach the point of no return in about ten years...we're one degree away from a 'danger threshold', nice.
music: the sweet hum of the 3 fans in our pcs cab

good night, sweet dreams.

whats really cool about this is that they watch it all the way to the end, and so quintessentially british about is that they 'settled down with a cup of tea', brilliant....presumably this story provoked lots of lonely old men to go hunting through similar bargin bins of DVDs BBC NEWS | England | Somerset | Sex movie mix-up shocks couple

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