Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Currently battling with a bastard of an application form so thought I'd take two minutes out to list whats going on in my life Swedish wise, as I noticed that theres been very little reporting of that in the last few entries (this is also inspired by looking back at the last few years (holy shit! how did that happen, where the fuck did they go!) and it being kind of cool to be reminded about stuff I'd otherwise forgotten).

Thus (and no particular order):

New swedish class (lots of polish people (complaining about Swedish racism), the girl who came back from the summer with new teeth and better skin and suddenly looks beautiful (and acts much happier and more confident too, very cool), Liberian chap whose hero is Sidney Poiter and my teacher suggesting swedish horror novels to me (which is actually rather good, though i have to read it about 1 page every 5 minutes (this is not because its scary, but rather that its in my second language)).

Becoming more confident with talking Swedish to people - though sick of people telling me I speak good Swedish when it takes me about five minutes to ask directions to the local bordello.

Being able, almost, to front and back wheel pivot up a set of stairs on my bike. All those hours in the wood at BĂ„stad, and the times spent lying on my back seeing stars, seem to be paying off.

Changing the cars tyres to the metal studded winter ones (most amusing, wasted my shoulders as I only had the tiny little tyre iron which comes with the car).

Got past the tough stage with the three headed dogs in 'God of War'.

Finally watched Star Wars III, the revenge of the shit.

Cooked a tasteless curry, some utterly meaningless pumpkin pies and then redeemed myself with a kick ass curry.

More will return I'm sure but now I feel the sudden urge to return to my application. Bon voyage!

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