Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Guardian Unlimited Comment is free The online ego monster: "There is something about the web that brings out the ego monster in everybody. When you write for the web, you open yourself up to breathtakingly vicious vitriol. People wish things on your mother, simply for bearing you, that you wouldn't wish on Hitler."...Interesting, short, article on self publishing and what not. I occasionally think about my blog and what it represents.....as I said when I started out it simply is a means for me to let my friends, if they are interested, know what I'm up to - it's also is a useful way for me to remind myself, and perhaps give its readers, some interesting links. But there's no major message, what I say here is pretty much what I'd say over a pint and the rare occasions that I descend into more 'vanity' writing are few and far between, thankfully. What is cool is that it does remind me of stuff which happened to me, which I'd otherwise have forgotten. I've thought about putting a visitor counter on it but why bother? I'm not a professional writer and what happens in to me in Sweden is hardly exciting enough to be of interest to people who do not know me. I can hardly be bothered to give the blog address to people I know, never mind make a conscious effort to work on it. So, erm. yeah. and my point was what, exactly? fuck, forgotten.

Oh yeah . . .first job interview conducted almost entirely in Swedish today (the only english expressions were 'shit', 'pain in the ass' and 'honest' which, out of context, make it sound a little disturbing). Don't be too impressed however, the nature of the job was such that there were not the kind of questions I've dealt with in other interviews such as 'what do you see are the main opportunities in the global market for our organisation' but rather were of the level 'how strong are you?' and 'can you do shift work?'. So lets see what happens - regardless of the result it was fantastic for my self confidence. It must be noted, however, that the interviewer spoke very clear Swedish and not the mad skånska dialect we have in these parts - a mixture of Danish and Swedish (Danish, to me, sounds like Swedish spoken by deaf people). Pays not mad either.

Purchase: 2-5 of Hellblazer 'Hard Time', mint condition. excellent.
Annoying: Library still thinks I have books out which I gave back (now theres an example of trivial bollocks your life is no better with!).
Watching: HBO miniseries 'Earth to the Moon', marvellous.

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