Tuesday, May 18, 2004

So, today saw the end of Svenska III. I only turned up to say good bye to fellow students as I've been working the last few days and had to leave early today as well. So farewell then, to P the Rumenian, P the Thai Mud Wrestler (titta ye not, its the truth) and I, the crazy turkish pizza maker. I'll be seeing some of the others at Svenska III in Malmö, which starts next week. Yeah, such is my thirst to understand what the hell people are saying about me that I'm repeating the course. No, its not because I'm a retard but the last one was supposed to last 4 weeks but instead only ran for two - hence the repeat. And today was my last lesson for a week or so at the school, after the tour de force of yesterday I found today really hard work, but never mind. Its the 12 years old next, should be fun. Going back to Svenska III for a minute, T, the Russian Au-paire was going to do course III but told me today that her family, as in the one she works for, decided that she did not need to - fair enough she works for them but it all sounds a bit too much like slavery to me. 'decided' indeed. Presumably they have her passport locked away in a nice safe place to.

Check out some of the MPEGs on this site, awesome sparks and stuff blowing up - perfect Plus, who can resist the title - Three Phase Disconnect Switch Opening Hot! High Voltage Sparks and Arcs, yeah and while we're on the geek phase of today let me point you towards Ghost Stations which is something that has always intrigued me.

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