Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Woke up well nostalgic today, hence....The suns shining today, its 22 degrees and as I ate my lunch in the park, my back to the warm stone of the DomKryka I reflected largely on beetroot and meatballs, which I was eating at the time.
This afternoon involved me learning the new website and figuring out how to update it, its all pretty straightforward and my new chef (boss in English) seemed pretty happy - which makes me happy to!
No running this evening as my achilles is flaring up a little so more ab-glutes (probably the best exercise in the world for making you guff) and ultimate rules yoga.
So, a little more on Malmö and its environs. A good starting point is the bridge, all 7.85 Kms of it which stretches from southern Malmö to Denmark, about 5km east of Copenhagen. gives you an idea of what it looks like. It has trains and cars and the good people of the Oresund region use it every day, singing as they do so.

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