Wednesday, June 30, 2004

At last the rain clouds seem to have gone and the constant drizzle, mist and occaisonal deluge has been replaced by blue skies and sunshine. Lovely.

The Coen Brothers version of the Lady Killers has been released over here, so I think thats next on the list to see. K can't be convinced to go and see Dawn of the Dead, which is fair enough and has the plus that she does not witness me wetting myself in fear and trying to climb under the seat. Be interesting to see what the coen brothers have done with this movie - can Tom Hanks et al replace Sellers and Guiness - according to my recently found cast notes the original movie starred a young Frankie Howerd (oooer, missus).

Music: Apocalytica. Strangely my winamp player seems select the Andrews Sisters and the Beastie Boys an awful lot out of some 300 odd tracks when on a supposedly random setting - odd, well, its good to have varied taste.
State of mind: pressured, it needs to thunder.
Interesting: For though of you who are metallica fans (you know who you are) this may be of some interest Metallica - the Movie

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