Sunday, June 27, 2004

Back again, browner and wiser. (the browness from basking in the radioactive sleet of the nearest celestial nuclear furnace (as Steven Baxter would say) and wiser from, well, just another 14 days of existance).
This is just a quick note to get my bloging muscles back into action, in the mean time heres a quick link to an old Erikson fan site....
Steven Erikson Fan-Page...yeah, I know I've waxed lyrical (what does that really mean? Curious mental images) about this guys books but really, they are the best fantasy I have read in a long time. A few comments are needed to put this into perspective, they are better than the dreadful dragonlance rubbish (don't even go there), superior to the Dragonbone chair bollocks, more exciting than the dreadful lament of the leper (you know who you are, unbeliever), and well, simply awesome. Yeah, I could mention the Wishsong of Shannara series, the Magican series, wagon wheels of time etc but people will start getting offended. Actually, I could go on here for a while and show off the rather dubious fact that I've spent an awful lot of my life reading quite simply terrible books. I could mention perhaps, Piers Anthony, who wrote a number of series, some good and bad, but I always had my doubts about the curious sexual undertones. When he produced a book called, I kid you not, 'the colour of her panties', I gave up. There is, of course, good stuff out there but this guy, as you may of guessed, has really got me gripped.
Read Eriksons books - message ends.

On a completely different note my friends 4 day old baby fell asleep in my arms today, quite incredible to hold an entire human being so easily and strangely relaxing.

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