Saturday, June 05, 2004

A well known household cleaning product and a duck.

Well. Its been a while and this week has been somewhat of a watershed for my life in Sweden. An ephiphony, perhaps. The week started well with a lazy few days spent at the summerhouse, interspersed with climbing and training. And that was the first incident, I contrived to pull a tendon or muscle in my shoulder which left me in considrable pain and clearly not able to climb for at least a few weeks. Now, almost a week later, its certainly healing and I anticipate training beginning next week, perhaps. But this was not a disaster for me in itself, but it suddenly made me very unhappy and it seemed to amplify all the feelings that I have, to a certain extent, been repressing as I strive to make a life for myself in this country. Thus, for a few days, I felt very down about the whole concept of Sweden - very down indeed - but then came somewhat of an ephiphony, as I mentioned, this is this, as Bob Deniro said in the Deerhunter, and 'this' is very fine indeed. Life here is good, and it was if I needed to get through a barrier of dejection before I came to recogonise this. Now I hate being injured, and not able to train or climb, but in someways the injury made me confront the fact that I have a new life, in a new country - it threw everything into perspective. Perhaps, god forbid, I actually discovered a little bit of maturity.

So what else is new? Well, the climbing I did do last week was bloody great. I prospected for new problems around the coast and came up with some gems, which certainly don't seem to have had that much traffic, really good. On the tuesday I took a day trip to Rostock, via southern Danmark, which was really good - I'm now involved with a European Framework Project which looks quite interesting. I will get more work from this towards the end of the year. It was a fun trip with one of my Danish colleagues, really good.

And so today, VHO, as Banks would have it after a night carousing in Denmark, Copenhagen. We had a brainstorming session in the office which lasted from 10 until 4, very good and then hit the gin and tonixs. Some hours later we staggered to one of the poshest and newest restaurants in Copenhagen. Gourment food in the extreme! I reckon we had a bill of about 100 quid each - reet posh like. I could get used to this lifestyle! Then left there and back to one of the directors houses where we imbibed more liquor - why do I never learn, after champagne, gin, beer, stout, never never finish the evening with a ten year old malt! Hells teeth, me and E managed to escape back to the safety of Malmö before the guys headed off for more corousing! The Danes are party monsters.......indeed. We had lots of fun navigating our way around the Danish subway system and the night train, full of drunken, as usual, spent the night having a good conversation with Mr Armitage Shanks.

Music advice, get hold of the soundtrack for Kill Bill Vol.1 (which I finally managed to see), absolutely shit hot, as they say.

So that brings us nicely up to date, sorry about the delays in posting but for a while the heart and ability was not there, but onwards and upwards. Come in red 5, your time is up.

Music: Hotei Tomoyasu, Kill Bill Theme.
Books. Currently ploughing my way back through Donaldson's Gap into Conflict series - I think this series uses the words sweat and dread more than any other book, ever. Managed to get hold of Baxter's evolution which I'm looking forward to.
weather: high octane blue
Link: ya, ska vi se nu.......
chop suey sillyness

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