Monday, June 07, 2004

So back for a little sniff.

Muscle cars and harleys. The streets are full of them, on my way to meet K earlier the streets reverberated to the roar of a mustang, a few harleys and numerous Japanese customs. The interesting thing is that there are no real rusty wrecks driving around, and I've seen loads of old motorbikes in really good condition. The thing is, you absolutely cannot ride your bike, or drive your classic car, during the winter - remember it gets to -10 here no problems and snow tyres are required by law - so two wheel fun is just not going to happen. Thus it is pretty hard to take your bike out in really bad weather, and they don't salt the roads, so bikes tend to stay in pretty good nick. Plus, theres a scandinavian obssession with big engined vehicles, particularly the two wheeled flavour. Remember, the meanest hells angels outside of the US are in Sweden and Denmark - I kid you not. Plus we've got Bandidos and numerous other gangs roaming around.

Check this out - truly did something good come from the abortions which were the Matrix II and IIIMatrix Ping Pong - Bullet Time

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