Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Just back from the cutter. Spent the last hour with an oral hygienist which, under any other circumstances would be opportunity for some low brow smutty humour. However, given that I can use the words gore, blood and pain to adequately describe the eternity of cleaning, picking and general abrasive tooth action I've just experienced I'm in no mood to descend to such frivolity. Yeah, and the really good news is that I'm going back at 1300 to finish off the top set - well done that man for the cancelation. I was hoping for a few weeks to let my bleeding gums recover. The moral is, of course, don't wait 5 years before you go back to the dentist and don't brush your teeth like a murderer scrubs blood out of the carpet. Thankfully I still appear to have no cavities but the build up of titanium reinforced cement was extreme, to say the least. The pain was not actually too bad, but the amount of water, blood and pieces of 3 year old burger caused me, at one point, to spectaclarly choke leading to a coughing fit and random arm flailing - humilating? You bet.

Assuming I don't need a blood transfusion after the next bout, and that my mouth enables me to me to interact normally I'll be working again as from tommorow. Which is nice, two days in the apartment is about as much as I can take these days.

Weather: Grey, overcast and 12 degrees.
Music: none.
Latest desire: Rollerblades.
Inconsequential observation: Swedish midsommer, which we celebrated on friday, involved - like most Swedish festivals - extreme amounts of food and drinking, over a two day period. There was also dancing and singing. Similar, in fact, to Christmas and Easter. This, I believe, further supports my theory that Swedes are in fact hobbits.
Intriguing website name which sadly is not as worrying as you first might thinkCorpses For Sale

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