Thursday, February 26, 2004

Good morning. And it seems once again that the powers of democracy are given a right good shafting. I was listening with half an ear to the radio this morning when I suddenly heard Clare Short explaining that conversations between her and Kofi Annan were bugged by UK spies. Crikey I thought, there goes the PM then I remembered, recent events have shown that he's untouchable - him and George could have been beating up dissenting UN council members in the toilets and it would not make any difference to his rule of the UK. Ah well, maybe I'm not in a position to comment on this anymore although I still have voting rights for a few more years. Still it goads my goat, or something like that.
I really should not get upset about these things.

It has been snowing like mad here but as the days gone on the temperature has risen and most of it as melted. Even with snow and ice on the ground there's still plenty of people hammering around on bicycles - braver than me as I skid and slide down the pavements on my specially patented Berghaus ultra-slip teflon coated shoes.

Weather:+3, snowing
Animals: None of any great interest, this less than than thrilling feature may shortly be retired.
Music: none
Website: Now on the loony tunes scale this is scoring quite highly, EVP or 'electronic voice phenomena' is the name given to mysterious voices which are captured on tape or video and which are believed to come 'from the other side'. Yeah, right.

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