Friday, February 13, 2004

Well, sucessfully managed to delete what I just wrote so I'm forced to write it all again - as if I haven't got anything better to do, well - actually I probably haven't but that is by the by. It snowed briefly yesterday and on my way to meet Kristina off the bus I got a lovely tingly kind of feeling. I suspected that I'd soiled myself but on closer inspection I realised it was a nice comfortable feeling of happy happy joy joy. Surrounded by the good people of Malmö cycling home, the crispness of the air and that wierd kind of silence you get when snow is falling, things felt pretty good.
Which is just as well, as yesterday was a day of frustration as no one seemed to be answering the phone - annoyance. Good news just come in, whilst typing this up, is a sniff of some proof reading work - good be quite lucrative. Couple of other interesting jobs to chase, creative medical writer and a innovation coordinator at Lund University (just out of Malmö) - hopefully contact today.

I must zip off and do stuff now-its Friday the 13th, portents and alarums.....

Weather: +5 and overcast
Last animal seen: A large black pig, possibly a boar, being walked by a chap in the park this morning - honestly!! It had a little lead and everything but, alas, no saddle.
Music: none.
Website with chuckle factor: A little bit of Swedish fun for you all, I particularly like the horses though you do need sound.

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