Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Tisdag. I feel like I've been beaten with an iron bar (maybe a small one). Went to my first Yoga class last night. Bloody hell, forget my misconceptions of gentle breathing and the soft rustle of fabric. This was like ultimate rules yoga, joints straining, muscles being pushed into previously unexperienced positions, years old air venting from my body. Wierdly it now feels like the next day after a full on climbing session, my hands, shoulders and feet ache - interesting. The instructor was this stick thin lady, very very bendy - as you might expect. I was the only bloke in a class of about 20 women, there was one other bloke but he seemed to disappear or transmogify into a woman half way through. They were all mostly tiny as well so I felt like a massive lumbering giant as I sweated and grunted my way through the 'warrior' position and the 'almost certainly put you in traction, oh my god the pain' position.
More cafe culture yesterday, went for a cup of Chai tea (bloody lovely it is, like a liquid cake) with F, a chum of K's. This seems like the most time I've spent in years being a gentlemen of leisure, very nice it is to.

weather: +1, cloudy
Last animal seen: Dogs, running.
Music: Massive Attack
Website: This is quite a remarkable site, at first glance it seems rather dull but it actually becomes rather addictive......
Welcome to Everything@Everything2.com

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