Sunday, February 15, 2004

Well hello. Sunday morning, digesting my first breakfast of bread, cheese and ham. Soon to gird my loins (and what, really, does that actually mean?) for second breakfast of yoghurt and museli. A banana in between to break the silence.
I realise that I should propably be making witty comments on the Swedish life I witness, or the myriad humerous Scandanavian experiences I encounter - this, I am afraid, will not be happening for a while. I live here now, which still feels a bit wierd to say, and if I walk around taking the piss all the time then I will be the worst kind of ex-pat....gosh, Victor Mature.
Climbing wall yesterday, beasted yet again by very strong chaps - managed to hold my own (girded, one could say) for a few problems then flaked out and feebly slapped around. Its a very good wall, lots of bouldering caves and walls. It has a massive leading wall but when I asked the guys if they use it they said why bother, the nearest climbing crags are hours and hours away. Good point, Southern Sweden is very flat - in fact I've not actually seen a hill yet. Oh happy days toiling up North Hill in the blistering heat, feet aching and head swimming. I had a very pleasant coffee afterwards with K and some of the guys, very nice. Lovely.
So, its still Sunday - K's at work and I'm not going to do any work related activities today. I think I'll try and hunt down a copy of the Guardian - exciting.
Enough lolling, I have serious stretching and surfing to do. Choppity chop chop.

Weather: +1, patchy cloud.
Last animal seen: none, except for the invisible ones.
Music: Yesterdays Johnathan Ross show.
Website of some interest to some of you: Very very useful

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